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AVP Gymnasium
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AVP Gymnasium

If you have suddenly become health
conscious, the Post can now assist you
toward the goal of good health.

The old gym (located in the lower level
of the Post) has been moved and renovated
and is ready for use. The old exercise
equipment has been replaced with newer,
up-to-date gym equipment. One nice feature
of the gym, is no matter what level you
are at, there is equipment to accommodate
your needs.

The best part of the gym is that it is free of
charge*! However, Gym membership is only
available to individuals who are *current
members of the AVP, Ladies Auxiliary and
the FAV and only they can use the Gym.

For those who have complained and said
"What do I get as a member." Aside from the
pride of being a member the gym is just one
of the benefits of being a member of the
Athenia Veterans Post.

The gym will be available for use every
day the Post is open. The gym starting time
will be 11:00AM or when the post officially
opens for the day. Gym closing will be
at 9:00PM sharp!

Gym participants must be familiar with the
rules that govern the usage of the gym.

1.  To use the Gym, you must sign-in at
     the bar and sign-out upon leaving.
     This is done for your protection,
     otherwise no one will know if you are
     down there using the equipment.

2.  No alcohol of any kind may be consumed
     or brought into Gym at any time.

3.  The gym is for exercise usage ONLY.
     No card playing or “general hanging out”
     will be permitted.

4.  When using the heavy weights, there must  
     be two people who sign in together. The
     additional person is there to spot or assist
     the other. Otherwise, individuals can use
     the gym.

5.  All participants must be members of the  
     Post. Your friends are permitted to see the
     gym but are not permitted to use any of
     the equipment*.

  * This rule is necessary because of insurance
     liability issues that may arise should
     someone hurt themselves while using
     the equipment.

So the next time you are at the Post, why not
stop over and see the AVP Gymnasium.

Jack LaLanne would have been proud of us!

A special thank you goes out to AVP members Kevin Gorman, Malvin Frias and John Kish.
If it wasn't for all their efforts and hard work this Gymnasium would not have been possible.