Welcome to AVP
Community Service
Outstanding Members
History of the Post
Athenia Canteen Headquarters
First AVP Post
Building Athenia Post
Installation Dinners
Special Events
Post Fire & Rebuilding
Sponsored Sports
Special Recognition
Helene Lenkowec Plaque
Exemplary Individuals
Past Post Commanders
In Memoriam
AVP Gear
Meeting Dates
Calendar of Events
Photo Gallery
Governor Visits AVP
Basic Training
D.E.P. Marines Celebrate
Memorial Day Service
AVP Ladies Auxiliary
FAV Support Group
Crystal Room - Banquets
AVP Lounge
AVP Gymnasium
Honor a Clifton Veteran
Field Of Honor
Veteran Benefits
Sponsors & Boosters

Exemplary Service

Frank Nazimek

Frank was honored at a
dinner dance for his 45 years
of service as the Post Finance
Officer, he was not just
honored for being an officer
for 45 years, Frank was
honored for being the man
and worker that he was.
Frank was the overseer
of all the post finances and
the Post asset. His strict
adherence to good
accounting principals held
him in the highest esteem
of all members and the
outside world that the Post
did business with. He was
chairman of the finance
committee and held strict
audits of all the Post
business and accounting
records on a quarterly basis
Frank was truly one of the
pillars of the Athenia
Veterans Post.  

                   Significant of the early Installation Dinners was the honoring of people that did so much for
                   community and in particular for the service men in the years prior to their entry into service.

                   Henry C. Richardson, Industrialist, Chairman of the Board of the Richardson Scale Company,
                   Mr. Richardson was a great benefactor in the lives of the young men and women growing up in
                   the area. He was responsible for the establishment of the Richardson Playground and Oval in
                   the neighborhood. He did much to provide athletic equipment and facilities for entertainment
                   and learning for those growing up in Athenia.

                   Conrad O.Schwieczer, Principal of School 13. Mr Schwieczer had a most direct bearing on 
                   the education, discipline and up-bringing on the children of the area. It was his direction in
                   our formative years that made us better people. It was also to his credit, that returning from
                   service many went on to college and beyond.  Many became doctors, lawyers, judges, 
                   college presidents, teachers, councilmen, leaders in local businesses and industry.